Sunday 21 July 2013

Kitchener/Waterloo Ribfest And Craft Beer Show...Take 2

Okay, for those of you that missed this years live tweet of the Kitchener/Waterloo Ribfest and Craft Beer Show, here is the live stream in all its glory. I may fix a few spelling errors, since I am a little more sober now...but for the most part, this is exactly how it first appeared.
The Big Day has arrived! Kitchener Ribfest and Craft Beershow! I will be live tweeting the event again this year, starting around noon!
Last year I won the sexy Broil King BBQ from 107.5 Dave FM...Who knows what could happen this year at Kitchener Ribfest and Craft Beer Show.
It has officially started! We are in a cab enroute to K/W Ribfest and Craft Beer Show.
It is on! We have arrived at K/W Ribfest!
Wristbands acquired! First beer of the day, Muskoka Brewery Summer Weiss. Light and crisp. A perfect start to the day.
Beer #2 Muskoka Brewery Cream Ale. Nutty with a smooth finish. High Tide just took the stage.
Beer #3 Steam whistle Pilsner. Hard to go wrong.
Kat, Charles, and I are in line for some Boss Hog's ribs. #perfectday
Beer #4 Nichol Brook Headstock IPA. A tart start with a delicious finish. A great patio beer.
Boss Hog's Ribs were delicious. Next stop, more beer.
Just saw a guy in a Boston Pizza Rib Camo shirt. Had a great char. #Respect #howawesomeisthat
Sent Charles on a beer run for Beer #5 Nichol Brook Naughty Neighbor APA. A nice crisp beer with nutty undertones.
Beer #6 Stone Hammer Pilsner. Fresh and Light, another perfect summer beer.
Sunshine, good friends, great food, cold beer - K/W Ribfest is a hit!
Jessica is a lady. 'Nuff said.
Beer #7 Wellington Brewery Trailhead Lager. Another crisp, clean, nutty, delicious beer.
I am now officially entered in the @DaveFM draw for a new patio set/deck/ and BBQ. Come on Golden Horse Shoe!
Kat Just brought me Beer #8 Big Rock Grasshopper Wheat Ale. Delicious, smooth, and clean.
Charles is waxing poetic on Beer Brewing...Amazing. Beer #9 Lake of Bays Crosswinds IPA. A nutty aftertaste with a hint of awesome.
Beer #10 Flying Monkey Stereophonic Wheat Beer. A solid take on a favorite style. Flying Monkey Brewery deserves full credit for this.
Charles and Jess are fetching ribs from Blazing' Big Rig while Kat and I hold down the fort. Also Alec @gobowash just arrived to join the fun.
Apparently it is Stereovision, not Stereophonic. My bad. My apologies to Flying Monkey.
Blazin Big Rig Ribs were great. Now for more beer.
Beer #11 Waterloo Brewery Pilsner. Crisp, clean, and tasty.
And the ring comes off! Damn! #Hailstorm, #Infidelity.
Beer #12 Big Rock IPA. Even better than the Grasshopper Wheat Ale. Rich and full bodied with just a hint of a nutty finish.
Beer #13 Double Trouble Brewing Prison Break Breakout Pilsner. They brew out of Guelph and have a fantastic beer.
@gobowash is now also live tweeting today's fesrivities. The City Boys from Guelph just finished their first set
. Beer #14 Amsterdamn Blonde poured my a brunette. An Amsrerdamn good beer. #kwbeerfest #perfect day, Beer #15 Flying Monkey, Smashbomb IPA. - Petrfectday.
The Batman beer utility belt is in the works. TM.
Beer #16 Stonehammer Dark Ale. Rich and Dark with a hint of chocolate undertones.
Next on the agenda, the Pepsi taste challenge! WHAT! That isn't beer...
Beer #16 Muskoka Brewery Twice as Mad as Tom IPA. A heavy IPA, with a full bodied flavour. Not for the weak hearted.
(It was at this point in the day I got a couple of different instant messages, one from as far as Halifax, informing me that I had listed two Beer #16's, so I corrected the count.)
Beer #18 Mill Street Belgian Wit. Best in Show. Hands down. Fantastic.
Thank you Lindsey McCormick for keeping me honest...18 beers deep.
In line for ribs from Kentucky Smokehouse. May be slightly hammered...hard to tell ;)
Kentucky Smokehouse "Our ribs are more tender than your mama's love.". Wow. Just Wow.
Boss Hog's takes a clean sweep. KWbeerfest.
Beer #19 Nichol Brook Bolshevik Bastard. Dark and creamy. Not my usual style, but a solid beer.
Just want to thank everyone that made it out to K/W Beer fest today. #aperfectday.
Beer #20! Lake of Bays River walker. A clean fresh taste for my penultimate beer.
Ribs from Kentucky Smokehouse were delicious, but Boss Hog's takes the cake, er, trophy.
Beer #21 is the Amsterdam Pilsner. Surprisingly, it tastes like beer. I think...;)
(This takes us right to 6pm, the end of the festival. At this point we walked back to a friends place to continue the party. I would like to assure everyone that no one in our party was driving.)
#106 Strange Street...the party continues.
#hashtag has worn out its welcome. #hashtag. Hilarity
What an awesome day with amazing people. For the rest of you, mark it in your calendar for next year. #kwribfest
#tacofarm World's best name for a lesbian bar ;)
-Thus ended our day, with all of us being safely delivered home by the worlds best designated driver. High points of the day included having multiple tweets re-tweeted by the breweries, and Impact Events Group, who organized the event. We all had a blast, and can't wait to do it again next year.

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