Thursday 21 June 2012

Just a little wind...

While I was successfully  procrastinating  in the office this afternoon, we lost power a couple of times.  Minor inconvenience to most of the world, but when you work in live theatre your show, and your day, tends to come to a crashing halt.  Luckily I wasn't running show, so rather than have to go into damage control mode, I just sat back and enjoyed the lull in the dark.  Luckily both outages were fairly quick and the 2 shows that were running were able to get back up and on track in a timely fashion.
These power blips were tied to some nasty weather.  Here in Grand Bend we're used to BIG Summer storms blowing in, dumping torrential buckets of rain, breaking the humidity, and then clearing up, all in a matter of 30-45 min.  We call them Grand Bender's and they are easily recognizable by the green/black skies and incredible downpours.
We've had a bit of a heatwave down here recently so I figured that we were due for a Grand Bender, and assumed that one of these summer storms was responsible for our loss of power, but after the lights came back on I went out to check the skies and they were clear and blue.  Sure it had rained a little, but nothing compared to what we're used to.
Confused, I went back to prepping for my upcoming rehearsal process.  It wasn't long before I got an update via Facebook that informed me that a friend who lives locally had been told that a tornado had gone through her family's back yard.  I couldn't find anything online from Environment Canada that confirmed her post, but was intrigued.  The back yard in question is really only about 6-8km south of the theatre.
With the work day over, Kat (Author of and I decided to go see for ourselves.
The photos below tell the story better than I can.  The damage was fairly contained to a narrow 2km stretch.  All of these photos were taken within 500m of the worst of damage.  To my knowledge there were no injuries, and only minor property damage, other than the downed trees.
While I can still neither confirm or deny that it was infact a tornado, there was some serious wind involved!

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