Sunday 6 October 2013

So, now I'm on Godspell...and soon headed out on tour!

Life has been very busy lately, as I suddenly and unexpectedly changed shows mid-week, bidding goodbye to my compact little guy group musical review show and jumping onto a sit down run of Godspell here in Waterloo that found itself in need of a Stage Manager 24 hours before its first public performance due to a medical emergency.  Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I jumped in to help at a moments notice and made the show happen. I actually ran 3 full shows on day 1, a personal first! (one student matinee of Godspell, and 2pm and 8pm performances of Legends of Harmony).  Calling  9 shows as opposed to the standard 8, plus standard rehearsals makes for one hell of a long week, especially when you tack on the added stress and pressure of an Opening night.
I have to extend a big thank-you to the production teams for both shows, as they really pulled together to make my transition a smooth one for both shows.  Everyone here at Drayton Entertainment really are rock stars who are amongst the best there are at what they do.  It is always such a pleasure to work with such outstanding individuals!  Everyone involved in both of these productions is total A Team material.

So despite turning my life a little sideways for 5-7 days, the upside of this new assignment is that I will now have a much better handle on the show when I head out on the road for a 13 week North American Tour. 

I had been contracted for the tour a few weeks back, and am really looking forward to getting to go out on the road for another adventure abroad.  I am especially pumped about tour dates in both New Brunswick and British Columbia as I have never been to those Provinces, and I am looking forward to getting to see some more of our beautiful country.  We are also headed to plenty of city's in the States that I haven't ever been to, so that will be entertaining.

Also, a big shout out to Charles, my ASM on the Road, he is one of my favourite people, and I trust him to have my back and keep me out of trouble, just as I will be looking out for him.

Obviously there are a lot of people that I am leaving a home that I am going to miss like crazy, but it's only a 13 week engagement, with a couple of decent hiatus's so it's not really like I am gone for very long.  I will always have the carrot of home dangling in front of me, keeping me motivated on the road.

I plan on using WWWWD to keep everyone posted on the entire tour experience, with lots of photo's on facebook, so please come back often after Oct 22nd for all the updates.

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