Monday 27 May 2013

What do you mean there is no new Game of Thrones this week???

Okay, I am the first to admit that I can get a little bit wrapped up in the television shows that I follow.  Notice I say follow as opposed to watch, because to me it is an active event.  I get invested and involved with the plots and characters of the shows I love, and it pains me to no end when the network "takes a break" mid season for no good reason.  LOST used to be the worst for that kind of ridiculious douche-wafflerey, but most shows do it eventually.  However, most of them have the decency to warn their viewers the week before it happens. This was not the case this week with Game Of Thrones.  It's bad enough that GoT only does 10 episodes per season, but taking an unscheduled (or at least unannounced) break after 8 episodes just leaves the fans with a really bad taste in our mouths.  It's not like we don't know what is coming, we have all read the books.  There should be no surprises...BUT we do want to see it.  The magical thing about this show is how closely it has captured the essence of the world created by George R.R. Martin. And while we all wait 5 more years for book 6, the HBO series is an incredible way to re-experience the magic of this convoluted and wonderfully complex story So get back to what is important to the fans and air the next episode already!  I am not sure I can wait 6 days....three words: The Red Wedding!

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