Wednesday 9 November 2011

Been There Done That. Literally got the T-Shirt.

Tuesday November 8th, marked one of the biggest gaming days of the year with the launch of the latest title in the very popular Call of Duty franchise:  Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 3.
As a gamer, I felt it was my duty to enlist my close gamer friends to trek out to the big midnight release for this game.  As a sidebar, I love midnight releases.  Whether it is for a movie (Transformers 3, X-Men Origins - Wolverine), a novel (Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows) or a video game (MW3) there is something about standing in line for a few hours with a horde of like-minded individuals, waiting to sink your teeth into the as of yet undiscovered content that the retailer is dangling so tantalizingly in front of you.  I love the idea that you can bask in the knowledge that you will be one of the first people in the world to delve into this sweet new content. 
I had planned on us arriving at Best Buy about an hour before the doors opened at 12:01am, not sure what to expect for a turnout as there were plenty of locations in K/W (and across the world) that were participating in the midnight release.  We were not disappointed!  The lineup stretched around the side of the building,  with many of the people at the front of the line reclining in lawn chairs or under blankets in the chilly November air.  There was a tangible excitement in the air as people of all ages shared in the pre -  release festivities.  We chatted back and forth with a few of the gamers around us inline, swapping gamer stories of killing douche waffles in the last COD offering, and the various other games that we devote so much of our free time (read: lives) to. 
One of my friends joked that he felt pretty sad to be standing in line at midnight to buy a video game, but no one had twisted his arm to be there, and when he eventually had his copy in hand, he didn't waste any time tearing into the packaging to check out the liner notes on his sweet new acquisition.
I was shocked to discover that neither of the two gamer friends attending the event with me had ever been to a midnight release.  I hope I have opened their eyes to the awesomeness involved.
Ultimately, we stood in line for about an hour and a half, and we all obtained a copy of the much anticipated title.  On top of that, we each got a sweet MW3 T-shirt to commemorate the event.  Proof, that we the few, the proud, had withstood the ravages of weather, and time, to be a part of history.  And more importantly, come early 2012, we will be ready to pwn some Christmas noobs!
So hows the game?  That's a discussion for another time!

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