Saturday 22 October 2011

Rules of Engagement

Over the years I have come to realize that I had it pretty easy during my teenage years.  My parents only really had two rules for us to follow.  Simple, straight forward, and direct, these rules were known to all of my friends, and most of my family - but of-course only we were expected to adhere to them.  Each parent had one rule, as follows:

#1: No babies! - This was mom's rule, and I think that it speaks volumes about her take on parenthood.  Be safe, be smart, and be prepared to deal with the consequences of your actions.  As a funny side bar my folks got a huge laugh during
Their speech at my wedding reception when they announced that rule #1 no longer applied.

#2: Put the tool back where you found it! - This was Dad's rule.   While it certainly applied directly to my formative years spent as cheap labour for the family business, it was also intended to instill a sense of order and responsibility.

Both of these rules have certainly served me well over the years, but I have also had to come up with a few of my own over the years that apply in a more direct fashion with my everyday life.  Because I quite often find myself mentoring young people in my line of work (young women more often than not) I have come up with the following 3 rules for them to follow:

#1: Don't fuck the talent.  - I can't truly take credit for rule #1.  It was actually imparted to me during my first apprenticeship by a friend who I greatly respect and admire.  It just makes sense!  Break rule #1 at your own peril!

#2: Boys are dumb. - It's true.  They are. They prove it time and time again.   Don't believe me? Just give it a while.

#3: Knowledge of the aforesaid does not forgive said behaviour.  This applies directly to rule #2.  Don't put up with that nonsense!

I like to think that the people I have mentored, as well as the friends and co-workers that I have shared these rules with over the years will take them to heart and perhaps adapt them to create their own set of life rules. 

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