A stealth survival game set amidst a zombie apocalypse, The Last of Us, follows Joel, a middle-aged, hardened smuggler and Ellie, his foul mouthed young ward, on a year long journey across the remains of the desolated United States. Visually, the game is stunning. The art designers, and visual artists of Naughty Dog have really outdone themselves on this game. Gameplay takes you through a variety of settings ranging from squalid inner city urban, reclaimed residential, and pristine wilderness. Each stage literally looks better than the last. Here are a couple of screen shots I was able to find online.
The story is also very multi-dimensional, and well crafted. Nothing is ever quite as it seems, and all of the characters have multiple motivations for behaving the way they do. Initially Joel doesn't want to be saddled with the burden of transporting Ellie, but eventually they form a very strong bond, which enhances the story significantly.
I have already published a post that deals with the specifics of the unique zombie outbreak that Naughty Dog has crafted, which you can find here: http://wwwwd.blogspot.ca/2013/06/the-last-of-us.html
My first play through took exactly 17:25:45, on Normal difficulty, and I only managed to track down about 2/3rds of the collectable items, so there is lots of re-playability, especially of you aim to try and platinum this title. I really can't say enough good things about this game, as it is so impressive on every level. Pick up a copy for yourself, and loose yourself in this immersive world. One play through won't be enough, I guarantee it!
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