If you look very closely at the photo above, you will see a very pale woman suntanning on the peak of an ashphalt roof. It just so happens that this is the view that greated me out the backdoor of the theatre I am currently working at. My two immediate questions for her would be: "What the Fuck are you doing?"Quickly followed by "Jesus Christ, aren't those shingles HOT?". Don't get me wrong, I am all for a little natural colour in the Summer, but this seems extreme. I mean, does she not have access to a back yard? Or a public park or beach? How desperate must she be for that tan to decide that laying on a bath towel on the peak or her ashphalt roof is the best way to achieve it. I am not sure if you can tell, but she has actually lugged 4 bricks up onto the roof with her to help keep the towel from blowing away. Since there is no antenna tower on the house, we all assumed that she has a ladder in the back-yard for easy access. It seems like a pile of work to go through for the sake of skin cancer. I just don't get it. I may be a hick from the sticks but city folk are weird.
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