So after spending 5 weeks soaking up the sun in and around beautiful Grand Bend, I have been transferred up north to Penetang for work.
A little over a week into the contract I finally have the time and the energy to hunt down the nearest public beach with a few co-workers for some fun in the sun.
Balm Beach is a really cute little community, not far from Midland, right in the shores of Georgian Bay. Right away let me start by saying how shocked I was by the tiny size of their public beach. Being raised on the shores of Lake Huron, I am used to miles and miles of available beach front property to choose from for all your beach related desires. Here at Balm beach you are working with a clearly marked public area that can't be more than 600' in length. And the sand is full of rocks...a shame.
When we arrived around 4pm the beach was host to alot of young families, and elderly couples, not the crowds I am used to after weeks on end spent in the Grand Bend area.
It seems as though every road is town us marked with no-parking signs, forcing you to park at one of the roughly 40 the municipal meters for a whopping $2/ hour up to a maximum of $15 for the day. This blows my mind. At Ipperwash you can park on the beach for free, all day. What gives?
On top of a tiny, rocky, beach, and the ridiculous parking situation, the first 30' of the water is carpeted in a solid stretch of stones. Not fun.
On the plus side, because of the amazing weather we've been having this summer, the water was very warm today, likely around 76-78 degrees, which is warm for Georgian Bay. The water was also a touch choppy today, with waves easily reaching 2' in height, which is apparently unusual for this area.
What I will say, is that the view from the beach was stunning. It really is a very pretty area of Northern Ontario.
I have been told that the better beaches in the area are private beaches on the local concessions. I fully intend to brave the parking tickets that all non residents risk, should they be found parked at these private beaches in order to continue my quest for a better beach.
If I find one, I'll be sure to post pictures, and my impressions.

A little over a week into the contract I finally have the time and the energy to hunt down the nearest public beach with a few co-workers for some fun in the sun.
Balm Beach is a really cute little community, not far from Midland, right in the shores of Georgian Bay. Right away let me start by saying how shocked I was by the tiny size of their public beach. Being raised on the shores of Lake Huron, I am used to miles and miles of available beach front property to choose from for all your beach related desires. Here at Balm beach you are working with a clearly marked public area that can't be more than 600' in length. And the sand is full of rocks...a shame.
When we arrived around 4pm the beach was host to alot of young families, and elderly couples, not the crowds I am used to after weeks on end spent in the Grand Bend area.
It seems as though every road is town us marked with no-parking signs, forcing you to park at one of the roughly 40 the municipal meters for a whopping $2/ hour up to a maximum of $15 for the day. This blows my mind. At Ipperwash you can park on the beach for free, all day. What gives?
On top of a tiny, rocky, beach, and the ridiculous parking situation, the first 30' of the water is carpeted in a solid stretch of stones. Not fun.
On the plus side, because of the amazing weather we've been having this summer, the water was very warm today, likely around 76-78 degrees, which is warm for Georgian Bay. The water was also a touch choppy today, with waves easily reaching 2' in height, which is apparently unusual for this area.
What I will say, is that the view from the beach was stunning. It really is a very pretty area of Northern Ontario.
I have been told that the better beaches in the area are private beaches on the local concessions. I fully intend to brave the parking tickets that all non residents risk, should they be found parked at these private beaches in order to continue my quest for a better beach.
If I find one, I'll be sure to post pictures, and my impressions.
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