Saturday, 14 December 2013

Home for a Rest

So, after a very busy final week of shows in Charlotte, North Carolina, I am now back at home in Kitchener for some much needed rest and relaxation for the holidays.  The only thing I really want to say about Charlotte is that it really sucks to be sick away from home.  Food poisoning is never fun, and spending 24 hours sick as a dog in a hotel room, and then trying to call a show in that condition is something I hope I never have to live through again.  On the bright side, life would have been a whole lot more unpleasant if we had been on the bus for those 24 hours...but the show must go on.

While I am home, I am looking forward to spending as much time as possible over these holidays with The Thief, my family, and catching up on all the goings on around here that I have missed out on while I have been out on the road.  I also hope to spend at least a couple of days locked in my condo totally ignoring the outside world. 

Until next time.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

The Walking Dead Mid Season Finale - In Atlanta! FAIL!

So life on the road is all swell and good, because this has been an easy week and since we left Austin, all I have been looking forward to is the Mid Season finale of The Walking Dead.  Icing on the cake, we are actually spending Sunday night in Atlanta, where they do a lot of the filming.  Awesome, right?  Wrong.  Our hotel has no AMC, and I can't get a decent internet connection to download the episode.

Total fail.

So now I have to avoid Facebook and Twitter until I can find out what happened...

First World Problems...I know.

This doesn't count as a blog post...just a rant.

I'll check back in once I finally get my hands on the episode.