Monday, 27 May 2013

What do you mean there is no new Game of Thrones this week???

Okay, I am the first to admit that I can get a little bit wrapped up in the television shows that I follow.  Notice I say follow as opposed to watch, because to me it is an active event.  I get invested and involved with the plots and characters of the shows I love, and it pains me to no end when the network "takes a break" mid season for no good reason.  LOST used to be the worst for that kind of ridiculious douche-wafflerey, but most shows do it eventually.  However, most of them have the decency to warn their viewers the week before it happens. This was not the case this week with Game Of Thrones.  It's bad enough that GoT only does 10 episodes per season, but taking an unscheduled (or at least unannounced) break after 8 episodes just leaves the fans with a really bad taste in our mouths.  It's not like we don't know what is coming, we have all read the books.  There should be no surprises...BUT we do want to see it.  The magical thing about this show is how closely it has captured the essence of the world created by George R.R. Martin. And while we all wait 5 more years for book 6, the HBO series is an incredible way to re-experience the magic of this convoluted and wonderfully complex story So get back to what is important to the fans and air the next episode already!  I am not sure I can wait 6 days....three words: The Red Wedding!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Jennifer Lawrence looks fantastic as Mystique

Bryan Singer, the Director for the upcoming X-Men film: Days of Future Past, just posted this teaser photo of Jennifer Lawrence on his twitter feed.  Here's hot young commodity Lawrence, in full make-up as Mystique in her natural form.
A sequel to X-Men: First Class, Days of Future Past borrows its subtitle directly from the comics, and with any luck, will share some of the major plot points, including the introduction of Bishop, and split and divergent time lines.
But back to what's important.  Jennifer Lawrence looks HOT as a yellow eyed ginger, covered only in blue prostetics. Sadly, not as hot as Rebecca Romijn Stamos from the original X-Men films, but hot enough that a lot of people are going to take notice.
I know I did, and this taught me something interesting about myself.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Star Trek - Into Darkness

Last night I attended an Opening Night screening of Star Trek Into Darkness with a few friends. This is another one of the block buster summer movie offerings that alot of people have been waiting for, and it lives up to the hype.
The theatre was packed with an eclectic mix from all walks of life, not just the sterio-typical, socially awkward young men that often get tied to "trekkie" fandom. Nope, these day this franchise has a little something for everyone.
The cast is stellar, lead by Chris Pine in the role of James Tiberius Kirk, Zachary Quinto as Spock, and Benedict Cumberpatch as the shadowy villan, this epic action movie has alot of depth. The characters are all still recognizable from the original series, but with the help of the writers, this generation of actors lends them a remarkable realism. The multi-faceted relationships that emerge between characters are honest and natural.
The Plot is solid, with Benedict Cumberpatch anchoring the forces of Darkness against the crew of the Enterprise. The true identity of Cumberpatch's villain is one of the best kept secrets of the film, so far from it to be my job to ruin the reveal for anyone. There are also a couple of solid twists that keep the movie moving at a lightning pace.
As in any movie of this nature, the special effects are what bring people in, and this film is a shining example of the levels of integration that can now be achieved using computer generated imaging. The futuristic cityscapes of earth look and feel incredible, and the ships look fantastic. When the Enterprise jumps to warp speed you can feel it in your soul.
This franchise has always attempted to expand the human experience by challenging us to boldly go where no man has gone before, striving to explore new horizon's, and pursue new discoveries. This film once again embodies that idealism and also reminds us that with great power comes great responsibility.
With all of these elements combining to create a Dreadnaught Class juggernaught, this block buster is not to be missed.

Friday, 10 May 2013

NBC renews Community for a 5th Season

Lets be very clear. We were all told right from the beginning that Season 4 of Community was going to be it. After Season 3 aired, the show went on an extended hiatus and underwent a pretty major shake up of its creative team. Series Creator Dan Harmon was given the ol' heave ho! But we did eventually get a 4th season, and now, less than 24 hours after the final episode of Season 4 aired last night, NBC has announced that they have renewed quirky cult hit for a surprise 5th season. Cool, Cool, Cool. Sadly Chevy Chase will likely no longer be involved with the project, since they treated him like a little bitch throughout season 4...however, rumours abound that he was a little bitch throughout the I guess that is just old fashioned Karma doing its job. Other things to look forward to in season 5? At least 13 more episodes tag lines of "Troy and Ahbed in the Morning." More Paintball. More exploration of the darkest timeline. More run ins with the Dean of City College, since that was never actually resolved. More Changnesia?!? POP! POP!

Friday, 3 May 2013

My Beer has proclaimed the Apocalypse.

Flying Monkey Brewery out of Barrie always has entertaining little quips on the underside of their bottle caps, but this is the best one I have come across in a long time. It made my day.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Iron Man 3 - Review

I got the opportunity to see Iron Man three tonight before it's midnight release and I have to say, I was really impressed. It was not what I was expecting. It was actually so much more, that its going to be hard to discuss without spoilers. The story is impressive, with a lot of blindsides that you won't see coming. The special effects are over the top in the best possible way, in 3D everything is crystal clear, and moves at a lightning pace. The cast are tremendous. Once again Robert Downey Jr. shines in the role of Tony Stark. The depth of character that they get into is surprising, and greatly appreciated. No longer is Stark just the "man in the can". He a actually spends most of the movie out of the infamous suit. The quips and wise cracks fly fast and furious, and many will leave you speechless. Best piece of dialogue of the film - spoken to a 12 year old child: "It happens. Dad's leave. No need to be a pussy about it.". It is so inappropriate, and so perfectly suited to Starks character that it got a round of applause in my viewing. So, go see this film, contribute to the Marvel money making machine, and be sure to stick around post credits for a very fun little scene featuring Stark and his Avengers team mate Dr. Bruce Banner.