In honour on the E3 video game convention, and all the big new releases that are being announced this week, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on my very own pile of shame - those video games that I rushed out to purchase, and in many cases now sit uncompleted and mocking me from their home stacked next to my sexy big screen gaming TV. Yes, I have a gaming TV, and it is sexy. It does occasionally get used to watch other things, but typically only Game of Thrones, and the odd Toronto Maple Leafs hockey game, but I digress. These are titles that I have started, but failed to complete for whatever reason. Most are great games, there just aren't enough hours in the day to complete them while I also attempt to max out my prestige level in MW3 while pwning douche waffles on Domination with my ACR. For the record I am currently ranked #9838 for Dominator trophies ( I currently have 396 of these, awarded for most points captured during a match) on the world wide leader boards, down from #5129 before I started my last out of town work project 6 weeks ago.
While there are countless other PSN Network titles, and freebies that I have gotten with my PS Plus account, these are the titles that I actually laid down my hard earned scratch to acquire. These are the titles that mock me while I have trouble getting to sleep at night.
You may find it interesting to know that on my online PSN profile, my personal info reads: PS3 addict. It's true what they say, the first step is admitting that you have a problem.
So here it is, my PS3 pile of shame:
#1 Assasins Creed - This one has been on the pile the longest. It is practically a launch title, and while the graphics are amazing, and the storyline is epic, I found the action really repetive, and even though I only have like 2 missions left to complete, I just can't be bothered to go back to it. The fact that it predates PSN trophies may have a lot to do with this, since I am a total trophy whore.
#2 God of War 3 - This one makes me hang my head. It's a great game, graphics are stunning, plot is pretty good, and the anti hero is the biggest badass in video games. I think I have logged about 5 hours of game play, which means I have a long way to go. This is the one that I keep telling myself I am going to tackle next, although I still have yet to do it...but Summer is coming, and that means long days spent cooped up in the dark playing video games in an effort to avoid contact with that retina burning ball of gas in the sky.
#3 Assassins Creed 2 - While the fact that I have only logged about 2 hours on this title is a source of shame, the plot and game play just haven't been interesting enough to draw me back. The fact that this title is set in rennaisance Italy as opposed to Crusade era Islam is a bit of a let down as the weapon selection also kind of sucks.
#4 Killzone 3 - I picked this title up uber cheap at a Rogers Video fire sale, so I don't feel to bad about only logging about 30 minutes of game play. I liked what I saw, but ultimately, its just another futuristic 3rd person shooter, and while the cover system is good, I firmly believe that the Resistance Franchise has got this genre locked down. Having never played Killzone #1 or #2, I have zero connection to the back story. My assumption: see the alien, kill the alien. Pretty basic stuff. This one can wait...
#5 X Men: Destiny - I also picked this up super cheap at the fire sale, and it is a pretty solid game. I have actually played through this game, but since it has multiple endings, I feel compelled to play through it to its ultimate completion...which means at least another 25 hours of game play. I feel like it should be an easy game to Platinum, but I have yet to find the time...
#6 Uncharted 3 - I love this game. It is easily the best game I own, and having said this, it hangs over my head that I have yet to Planinum it. The fact that I dedicated 16 hours on launch day to complete it the first time, lends credence to my shame. I have played through it 1 1/2 times, of the required 3 playthroughs, and found 92 of the 100 hidden treasures. This is the game that mocks me the loudest when I have spare moments. It is definitely the next on my list.
#7 Rachet and Clank: Tools of Destruction - This platformer isn't the genre I usually go for, but for a while I got sucked in. Enough so that I only have a level or two left to complete. But it has been about 3 years since I last put the disc into my PS3. One day...
#8 Dark Kingdom - Another launch title. Not the best game, but it was the first co-op rpg for the system. Now I can honestly say that I have a reason for not completing this game. Just the wife and I were playing through the co-op mode before Peanut was born 2 years ago, and she hasn't been available/ interested in picking up where we left off ever since. I keep hoping that one day she will wake up with the deep seated need to finish this video game with me, but failing that this may be one that I never complete...unless I find a new co-op partner with 30 plus hours to spare.
#9 Final Fantasy 13 ( I think) - This one makes me laugh. I bought a used copy on a whim a few years back (like maybe 3...) and the game has never, ever been put in my system. Haven't even seen the opening cut scenes. I'm sure its a great game, but the 100+ hours of game play have just been super daunting. I like the series, and I am a huge fan of rpgs, but this one is still as of yet untouched.
#10 Dragon Age 2 - Another solid RPG, that I just haven't found the time to get into. Loved the first game, despite the fact that I haven't platinumed it yet either. I will likely love this day.
#11 Oblivion & Shivering Isles expansion - At one point I had sunk 200+ hours into this game attempting to complete every side quest, while basically ignoring the main story line. While I haven't played it in over 2 years, I do still dream of one day rising victorious from the ashes of my save file...assuming I can even remember the control scheme...
#12 Call of Duty Black Ops - While I have logged countless hours into this games online modes, I have never completed the story mode.
#13 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Again, I have logged over 216 hours (more than 9 full days) on the online portion of this game, but I have yet to beat the offline story mode. I'll get to it...hell it took me 3 years to beat story mode on Modern Warfare 2.
That's not so bad right?
It's important to have a hobby...